
Institutul Cultural Român sprijină organizarea turneului formației Scarlet Aura!

Scarlet Aura 2024

Institutul Cultural Român sprijină organizarea turneului formației Scarlet Aura în perioada 28 septembrie – 13 octombrie 2024, în Republica Bulgaria, cu concerte în orașele: Varna (Smile club) – 28 septembrie 2024, Ruse (Max club) – 10 octombrie 2024; Sofia (Live & Loud) – 11 octombrie 2024, Plovdiv (Under City Club) – 12 octombrie 2024. Scarlet Aura este o formație de heavy metal și muzică rock din București

Trupa a fost formată în 2014 inițial cu numele AURA, iar în 2015, și-a schimbat numele în Scarlet Aura și-i are la ora actuală în componența sa pe: Aura Dănciulescu (voce), Mihai Dănciulescu (chitară), Rareș Nistor (chitară bas), Geani Matei Radu (tobe) și Dan Lică (clape), echipa tehnică fiind completată de Andrei Marius Radu (inginer sunet), Florin Adam (tehnician scenă), Ioana Matei Radu (tehnician lumini), Tetyana Shubina (merchandise, Ucraina) și Emil Lazarov (tour manager, Bulgaria).

Aura Dănciulescu (voce) și Mihai Dănciulescu (chitară) au venit în noul proiect cu experiența din trupa românească de rock Stillborn, cu care au cântat în 2011 în deschiderea show-ului Bon Jovi din București

Astăzi, Scarlet Aura este recunoscută de către ascultătorii genului ca fiind una din cele mai bune trupe românești de heavy metal cu voce feminină. Formația are o carieră cu lansări de succes și concerte, care au captivat publicul meloman atât din țară cât și peste hotare.

De la înființare și până în prezent Scarlet Aura a lansat nouă albume DVD live și două EP-uri. Cel de-al 10-lea album, intitulat Rock-Stravaganza va fi lansat în perioada septembrie-octombrie 2024 atât în România cât și în Bulgaria (https://www.scarletaura.com/press_release.html), unde, după cum menționează Aura Dănciulescu, solista formației s-a creat o comunitate de fani fideli. Mihai Dănciulescu, compozitorul melodiilor, prezintă, între altele, noul album, astfel:„... Rock-Stravaganza reprezintă coloana sonoră a călătoriei noastre profesionale. Sunt piese care au rezonat profund cu fanii noștri și ne-au definit ca trupă. Le dăm pieselor noastre o nouă viață, care rezonează cu pasiunea și energia acumulată. Este un cadou pentru toți cei care iubesc rock-ul.”

Este interesant de remarcat că videoclipul melodiei ce poartă numele albumului “Rock-Stravaganza” a fost realizat cu ajutorul elevilor claselor a 6-a si a 7-a cu acordul conducerii Școlii Gimnaziale NR. 41 din București

Prin sprijinirea acestui eveniment muzical Institutul Cultural Român își propune să aducă în atenția publicului meloman din țara vecină, dar și celui internațional un nou reper cultural românesc.

Listen to the album and watch the title track video here: http://scarletaura.lnk.to/Rock-Stravaganza

Scarlet Aura - "Rock-Stravaganza"



Scarlet Aura releases the 10th Album - Rock-Stravaganza: A Musical Extravaganza!

Rock-Stravaganza album cover 2024

Scarlet Aura, the heavy metal angels of Romania that has captured the hearts of fans worldwide, is excited to announce the release of their 10th album, titled "Rock-Stravaganza" and the video for the title song. This album marks a special milestone in the band's career, being their second album in Romanian, and promises to be a true musical extravaganza.

"Rock-Stravaganza" is not just another rock album, but a tribute to loyal fans and a celebration of the band's musical evolution. The album includes hits taken from previous albums "Trup de apă”- Steelborn and "The Rock Chick” and are reinterpreted in an innovative manner, while retaining the essence that made them famous. Already well-known songs such as "Șerif Stelar", "Ere", "De Ce?", and "Îngeri pe Motoare", along with new tracks that will surprise and delight listeners such as "Ochii care nu se văd” and "Rock-Stravaganza". Each track has been re-recorded and adapted to reflect the band's artistic maturity and creativity.

Mihai Dănciulescu, the songwriter, explains the choice of these songs in an emotional statement: "We chose to include these beloved tracks on the 'Rock-Stravaganza' album because they represent the soundtrack of our journey. These are songs that have deeply resonated with our fans and have defined us as a band. We wanted to give them a new life, to render them with the passion and energy we have accumulated over the years. It's a gift for all those who have been with us on this musical adventure."

The launch of the "Rock-Stravaganza" album is marked by a special tour where fans will have the opportunity to experience live the magic of the new versions of their favorite songs, along with musical surprises prepared by the band.

Tour Dates
19.07.2024 Fălticeni
9.08.2024 Făgăraș
21.09.2024 Timișoara
27.09.2024 Constanta
28.09.2024 Varna (BG)
04.10.2024 Cluj
05.10.2024 Sibiu
11.10.2024 Sofia (BG)
12.10.2024 Plovdiv (BG)
18.10.2024 Baia Mare
19.10.2024 Sfântu Gheorghe
25.10.2024 Iași
26.10.2024 Suceava
28.10.2024 Fălticeni
02.11.2024 București Quantic

Scarlet Aura continues to inspire and innovate, demonstrating that passion for music and connection with fans are the key elements of their success. "Rock-Stravaganza" is more than an album, it is an unforgettable experience that will remain in the hearts of listeners for a long time.

Listen to the album and watch the title track video here: http://scarletaura.lnk.to/Rock-Stravaganza

Scarlet Aura - "Rock-Stravaganza"

Lansarea albumului cu numarul 10 al Scarlet Aura - Rock-Stravaganza: O experiență muzicală de neuitat!

Scarlet Aura, îngerii rockului românesc, anunță cu entuziasm lansarea celui de-al 10-lea album, intitulat "Rock-Stravaganza" si noul clip al melodiei ce poartă numele albumului. Acest album marchează o etapă specială în cariera trupei, fiind al doilea album în limba română, și promite să fie o adevărată extravaganță muzicală.

"Rock-Stravaganza" nu este doar un alt album de rock, ci un omagiu adus fanilor fideli și o celebrare a evoluției muzicale a trupei. Albumul include hituri extrase de pe albumele anterioare "Trup de apă”- Steelborn și "The Rock Chick", melodii deja consacrate precum "Șerif Stelar", "Ere", "De Ce?" și "Îngeri pe Motoare", reinterpretate într-o manieră inovatoare, păstrând totodată esența care le-a consacrat, alături de piese inedite precum "Ochii care nu se văd” și "Rock-Stravaganza". Fiecare piesă a fost reînregistrată și adaptată pentru a reflecta maturitatea artistică și creativitatea trupei.

Mihai Dănciulescu, compozitorul melodiilor, explică alegerea acestor melodii într-o declarație emoționantă: "Am ales să includem aceste piese dragi nouă pe albumul 'Rock-Stravaganza' pentru că ele reprezintă coloana sonoră a călătoriei noastre. Sunt melodii care au rezonat profund cu fanii noștri și care ne-au definit ca trupă. Am vrut să le oferim o nouă viață, să le redăm cu pasiunea și energia pe care le-am acumulat de-a lungul anilor. Este un cadou pentru toți cei care au fost alături de noi în această aventură muzicală."

Lansarea albumului "Rock-Stravaganza" va fi marcată printr-un turneu spectaculos unde fanii vor avea ocazia să trăiască live magia noilor versiuni ale melodiilor lor preferate, alături de surprize muzicale pregătite de trupă.

Date Turneu:
19.07.2024 Fălticeni
9.08.2024 Făgăraș
21.09.2024 Timișoara
27.09.2024 Constanta
28.09.2024 Varna (BG)
04.10.2024 Cluj
05.10.2024 Sibiu
11.10.2024 Sofia (BG)
12.10.2024 Plovdiv (BG)
18.10.2024 Baia Mare
19.10.2024 Sfântu Gheorghe
25.10.2024 Iași
26.10.2024 Suceava
28.10.2024 Fălticeni
02.11.2024 București Quantic

Scarlet Aura continuă să inspire și să inoveze, demonstrând că pasiunea pentru muzică și conexiunea cu fanii sunt elementele cheie ale succesului lor. "Rock-Stravaganza" este mai mult decât un album; este o experiență de neuitat care va rămâne în inimile ascultătorilor pentru mult timp.

Asculta aici Albumul "Rock-Stravaganza" : http://scarletaura.lnk.to/Rock-Stravaganza

Videoclipul melodiei ce poartă numele albumului "Rock-Stravaganza" a fost realizat cu ajutorul conducerii, elevilor Claselor a 6a si a 7a din cadrul Școlii Gimnaziale NR. 41 din București. Multumim pentru găzduire!


Scarlet Aura Releases New Single "Tu" and Unveils Upcoming Album "Rock-Stravaganza"

TU single cover 2024

Scarlet Aura is set to enchant the music scene once again with their latest single "Tu," from the forthcoming album, "Rock-Stravaganza." Set to be released on April 12th, "Tu," a tune originally presented by Mihai and Aura with Steelborn in 2012, emerges anew, now under the Scarlet Aura brand, promising a fresh adventure into the realms of alternative rock and metal. The track weaves a narrative of passion and loss, a poignant reminder of love's restorative and devastating power.

As Aura puts it, “This song captures the thin line between soaring highs and crashing lows – all within a single heartbeat.”

"Rock-Stravaganza," featuring 15 tracks, is a tribute not only to life’s rich tapestry but also to the artistic growth of Scarlet Aura. Scheduled for June 28, it will reintroduce well-loved melodies from the musical journey of Mihai and Aura, reimagined for today's listener. Long-time fans and newcomers alike will find joy in this fresh yet familiar collection. And as music is a river that cannot be stopped, Scarlet Aura is gearing up for summer festival appearances and a nationwide tour celebrating this new chapter.

Join us in embracing the unique visual world of "Tu," a song that invites you to reconnect with the depths of your soul.https://scarletaura.lnk.to/Tu_

Listen to the single and watch the video here: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/Tu_

Scarlet Aura - "TU"

Scarlet Aura lansează noul single "Tu" și prezintă viitorul album "Rock-Stravaganza"

Scarlet Aura împletește din nou firele muzicale pentru a lansa single-ul "Tu", o bijuterie sonoră din cufărul lor viitor de comori, albumul "Rock-Stravaganza". Pe data de 12 aprilie, va fi dezvelită această perlă muzicală, marcând o renaștere a unei emoții de altădată. "Tu", inițial un dar muzical oferit de Mihai și Aura în 2012, alături de Steelborn, renaște acum într-o nouă lumină sub egida Scarlet Aura, promițând o aventură nouă prin prisma rock-ului alternativ și metalului.

Această odisee sonoră, "Tu", este un dans tulburător pe sârmă între dorința arzătoare și pierderea care se strecoară în umbră, între îmbrățișarea caldă a iubirii și frigul goliciunii lăsate în urmă.

"Este vorba despre cum înălțarea și căderea se pot întâmpla într-o singură suflare," dezvăluie Aura misterul ce învăluie acest single.

"Rock-Stravaganza", cu cele 15 piese ale sale, promite să fie o odă adusă vieții dar și maturității muzicale și de creație ale Scarlet Aura, cu lansarea programată pe 28 iunie. Acest nou album va conține melodii foarte cunoscute din periplul muzical al lui Mihai și al Aurei, melodii ce vor fi readuse la viață, vor îmbrăca haine noi și se vor prezenta vremurilor actuale. Noul album cu siguranță va bucura nespus pe cei care au fost cel puțin alături de Aura și de Mihai încă de la îceputuri. Și cum muzica este un fluviu ce nu poate fi oprit, Scarlet Aura va lua valurile de vară cu asalt, urmând să navigheze prin țară într-un turneu național care va celebra acest nou capitol.Vă invităm să ascultați single-ul și să vă pierdeți în vizualul său unic, deschizându-vă inimile spre "Tu".

Ascultați single-ul și urmăriți videoclipul aici: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/Tu_


Scarlet Aura Releases New Single "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" and Announces Upcoming Album "Rock-Stravaganza"

New single cover 2024

Scarlet Aura is excited to announce the release of their latest single "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd," set to debut this Friday, March 8th, through Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records. This single not only signifies a fresh chapter for Scarlet Aura but also gives fans a first taste of their eagerly awaited new album "Rock-Stravaganza". This album, to be released later this year, features 14 tracks that are set to redefine the modern rock/metal landscape with their innovative sound and emotional depth.

"Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" explores the theme of invisible yet unbreakable bonds that connect us, irrespective of distance. This emotive song navigates through feelings of nostalgia and hope, underscoring our innate desire for togetherness. Accompanied by a narrative-rich music video, the single transcends auditory limits to offer a multisensory exploration of human connections, adding layers of interpretation to this universal theme.

Scarlet Aura shares: ”As we unveil “Ochii Care Nu Se Văd” and gear up for “Rock-Stravaganza”, we are reminded of our journey, the bonds we've created, and the unspoken connections that music allows us to explore. This album, especially, is a reflection of our growth, passion, and the vibrant future we envision. We invite you to join us on this exhilarating adventure, as we bring “Rock-Stravaganza” to life, later this year.”

The first single from "Rock-Stravaganza", "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" stands as a testament to their creative evolution and dedication to pushing musical boundaries. Scarlet Aura invites listeners worldwide to experience "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" and join them on the path to the release of "Rock-Stravaganza." This single is a testament to the band's enduring appeal and their commitment to making a significant impact on the global music scene.

Listen to the single and watch the video here: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/OchiiCareNuSeVad

Scarlet Aura - "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd"

Scarlet Aura lansează noul single "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" și anunță albumul viitor "Rock-Stravaganza"

Trupa Scarlet Aura anunță lansarea celui mai nou single al lor "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd", care va debuta vineri, 8 martie, prin Universal Music Romania și Silver City Records. Acest single nu doar semnifică un nou capitol pentru Scarlet Aura, dar oferă de asemenea fanilor o primă degustare din albumul lor mult așteptat "Rock-Stravaganza". Acest album, care va fi lansat mai târziu în acest an, conține 14 piese care sunt pregătite să redefinească peisajul rock/metal modern cu sunetul lor inovator și profunzimea emoțională.

"Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" explorează tema legăturilor invizibile, dar indestructibile care ne conectează, indiferent de distanță. Această piesă emoționantă navighează prin sentimente de nostalgie și speranță, subliniind dorința noastră inerentă pentru unitate.

Scarlet Aura împărtășește: „Pe măsură ce dezvăluim «Ochii Care Nu Se Văd» și ne pregătim pentru «Rock-Stravaganza», ne amintim de călătoria noastră, de legăturile pe care le-am creat și de conexiunile nespuse pe care muzica ne permite să le explorăm. Acest album, în special, este o reflectare a creșterii noastre, pasiunii și viitorului vibrant pe care îl prevedem. Vă invităm să vă alăturați nouă în această aventură palpitantă, pe măsură ce aducem «Rock-Stravaganza» la viață, mai târziu în acest an.”

Primul single de pe "Rock-Stravaganza", "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" stă drept mărturie a evoluției lor creative și dedicarea de a împinge limitele muzicale. Scarlet Aura îi invită pe ascultători din întreaga lume să experimenteze "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" și să se alăture lor pe drumul spre lansarea "Rock-Stravaganza". Acest single este o mărturie a apelului lor durabil și a angajamentului lor de a avea un impact semnificativ pe scena muzicală.

Ascultați single-ul și urmăriți videoclipul aici: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/OchiiCareNuSeVad


Scarlet Aura announces new single "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd"!

New single cover 2024

Scarlet Aura is thrilled to announce the release of their new single "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd", set to debut on March 8th through Universal Music and Silver City Records. This track marks a new era for the band with a taste of the exciting and innovative direction of their upcoming album set to be released later this year.

"Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" is a deeply emotional song that explores the invisible bonds between us, highlighting how our connections remain strong even in physical absence. The single steers a wide spectrum of emotions, from nostalgia to hope, offering a reflection of our deep desire to be together, regardless of obstacles.

Accompanied by a heartfelt storytelling music video, "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" is not just a musical piece; it's a multisensory experience. The video brings an added depth to the song's interpretation, encouraging viewers to explore the diverse meaning of the universal theme of human connection.

This single marks the beginning of a new chapter for Scarlet Aura, providing a glimpse into the emotionally charged and innovative path that the Scarlet Aura album will take. It's a testament to the band's relentless passion and creativity, promising an unforgettable musical journey for both fans and new listeners.

Scarlet Aura invites everyone to listen to "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" and join the musical journey they propose with the forthcoming release of their new album. With this single, the band reaffirms their place in the hearts of listeners and is ready to bring their music to the global stage.

Scarlet Aura anunță cu entuziasm lansarea noului lor single "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd"

Scarlet Aura, una dintre cele mai proeminente formații de rock din scena muzicală actuală, este încântată să anunțe lansarea noului lor single, "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd", care va debuta pe 8 martie prin Universal Music și Silver City Records. Acest cântec servește drept introducere în universul muzical al viitorului lor album, așteptat să fie lansat în acest an.

"Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" este o piesă profund emoțională care explorează legăturile invizibile dintre noi, subliniind cum conexiunile noastre rămân puternice chiar și în absența fizică. Single-ul navighează printr-un spectru larg de emoții, de la nostalgie la speranță, oferind o reflectare a dorinței noastre profunde de a fi împreună, indiferent de obstacole.

Acompaniat de un videoclip cu o poveste de suflet, "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" nu este doar o piesă muzicală, ci și o experiență multisenzorială. Videoclipul adaugă un nou nivel de profunzime la interpretarea piesei, invitând spectatorii să exploreze diverse interpretări ale temei universale a conexiunii umane.

Acest single marchează începutul unei noi ere pentru Scarlet Aura, oferind un avantaj despre direcția emoționantă și inovatoare pe care o va lua albumul Scarlet Aura. Este o demonstrație a pasiunii și a creativității neîncetate ale formației, promițând o călătorie muzicală de neuitat pentru fani și noi ascultători deopotrivă.

Scarlet Aura invită pe toată lumea să asculte "Ochii Care Nu Se Văd" și să se alăture călătoriei muzicale pe care o propun prin lansarea iminentă a noului lor album. Cu acest single, formația își reafirmă locul în inimile ascultătorilor și este pregătită să aducă muzica lor pe scena mondială.


Scarlet Aura Unleashes Festive Joy with a Metal Twist in “All I Want For Christmas Is You” Video

Christmas single cover 2023

This Saint Nicholas Day, Scarlet Aura invites families everywhere to join in a festive celebration like no other! Launching on December 6th, our music video for the metal version of “All I Want For Christmas Is You” is set to light up your holiday season with an electrifying blend of joy, warmth, and rock'n'roll spirit.

In this unique rendition, we've taken Mariah Carey's timeless Christmas hit and infused it with our signature metal flair, creating a sound that resonates with both the young and the young at heart. It's a perfect mix of holiday tradition and modern energy, designed to bring families together in a shared experience of music and joy.

Our video captures the essence of family gatherings, festive decorations, and the spirit of Saint Nicholas Day, all while rocking out to a song that has become a Christmas anthem across generations. It's an invitation to make new holiday memories while enjoying a fresh, exciting take on a beloved classic.

Lead vocalist Aura Danciulescu shares, “We wanted to create something that families could enjoy together, a song that brings smiles and a bit of rock'n'roll excitement to the holiday table. This video is our gift to you, a celebration of togetherness and festive cheer!”

So, gather your loved ones, turn up the volume, and let Scarlet Aura's rendition of “All I Want For Christmas Is You” add a burst of metal magic to your holiday celebrations. It's a Christmas experience that will bring a new beat to your festive traditions!

Join us in this holiday adventure and make Saint Nicholas Day unforgettable!

Happy Saint Nicholas Day and Merry Christmas from Scarlet Aura!

The single is also available here: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/AllIWantForChristmasIsYou

Scarlet Aura – All I Want For Christmas Is You (heavy metal cover)

Scarlet Aura Lansează o Bucurie Festivă cu un Twist Metal - Videoclipul „All I Want For Christmas Is You”

În această Zi a Sfântului Nicolae, Scarlet Aura invită familii din întreaga lume să se alăture unei sărbători festive ca niciuna alta! Lansându-se pe 6 decembrie, videoclipul nostru pentru versiunea metal a piesei „All I Want For Christmas Is You” este gata să vă lumineze sezonul sărbătorilor cu un amestec electrizant de bucurie, căldură și spirit rock'n'roll.

În această interpretare unică, am luat hitul de Crăciun atemporal al Mariah Carey și l-am infuzat cu stilul nostru metal caracteristic, creând un sunet care rezonă atât cu cei tineri, cât și cu cei tineri la inimă. Este un mix perfect între tradiția sărbătorilor și energia modernă, conceput pentru a aduce familiile împreună într-o experiență comună de muzică și bucurie.

Videoclipul nostru captează esența reuniunilor de familie, a decorațiunilor festive și a spiritului Zilei Sfântului Nicolae, toate în timp ce rock-uim pe o melodie care a devenit un imn de Crăciun pentru generații. Este o invitație de a crea noi amintiri de sărbătoare, bucurându-vă de o abordare proaspătă și emoționantă a unui clasic îndrăgit.

Vocalista Aura Danciulescu declar: „Am vrut să creăm ceva ce pot bucura familiile, o melodie care aduce zâmbete și un pic de emoție rock'n'roll la masa de sărbătoare. Acest videoclip este darul nostru pentru voi, o celebrare a unității și a sărbătorilor festive!”

Așadar, adunați-vă alături de cei dragi, dați volumul mai tare și lăsați interpretarea piesei „All I Want For Christmas Is You” de către Scarlet Aura să adauge o magie metal în sărbătorile voastre. Este o experiență de Crăciun care va aduce un nou ritm tradițiilor voastre festive!

Alăturați-vă nouă în această aventură de sărbătoare și faceți ziua Sfântului Nicolae de neuitat!

La mulți ani de Sfântul Nicolae și Crăciun fericit din partea Scarlet Aura!

Ascultă aici: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/AllIWantForChristmasIsYou


Scarlet Aura Transforms “All I Want for Christmas Is You” into a Burst of Metal Energy

Christmas single cover 2023

Goodbye Classicism! Welcome, Christmas Rock'n'Roll!

As the holidays take the world by storm with their bright lights and festive atmosphere, Scarlet Aura is gearing up to release their latest Christmas cover. In 2023, the band has decided to breathe new life into Mariah Carey's holiday hit, “All I Want for Christmas Is You", turning it into a true metal ode.

If you're tired of always listening to the same classic version of the song, now you have the chance to experience something completely new: “All I Want for Christmas Is You” in a vibrant rock version, full of energy and the characteristic style of Scarlet Aura.

Continuing the immense success of their previous Christmas covers - “Feliz Navidad” in 2022, “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree” in 2021, and “Jingle Bell Rock” in 2020 - Scarlet Aura now brings a fresh breath to the holiday scene. This new interpretation promises to captivate both metal fans and lovers of holiday music alike. Powerful vocals and electrifying instrumentals give this classic song a new look, full of energy and emotion.

Commenting on their choice, Mihai Danciulescu states: “Wanting to offer a fresh alternative to traditional Christmas songs, we chose a piece emblematic of the joy and spirit of the holidays. ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’ in our metal version will surely be an unforgettable experience for our fans and more.”

The accompanying music video, scheduled for release in December, promises to be an impressive fusion of festive cheer, the warmth of the holiday season, and the dynamic style of the band. “Prepare to discover a side of the winter holidays like you've never seen before,” suggests Aura Danciulescu, the band's lead vocalist.

With this release, Scarlet Aura continues their innovative approach to music, blending classic elements with their unique metal style, to appeal to a wide range of music enthusiasts. This piece is not just a holiday gift, but proof of their artistic evolution and commitment to their fans.

Get ready to rewrite holiday traditions with Scarlet Aura's metal version of “All I Want for Christmas Is You”. Experience here a Christmas version like you've never had before.

Scarlet Aura Transformă “All I Want for Christmas Is You” într-o Explozie de Energie Metal

Adio, Clasicism! Bine ai venit, Rock’n’Roll de Crăciun!

Pe măsură ce sărbătorile iau cu asalt lumea cu luminile lor strălucitoare și atmosferă festivă, Scarlet Aura își pregătește lansarea celui mai recent cover de Crăciun. În 2023, trupa a decis să dea o nouă viață hitului de sărbători al lui Mariah Carey, “All I Want for Christmas Is You”, transformându-l într-o adevărată odă metal.

Dacă v-ați săturat să ascultați mereu aceeași versiune clasică a melodiei, acum aveți șansa să experimentați ceva cu totul nou: “All I Want for Christmas Is You” într-o versiune rock vibratoare, plină de energie și stilul caracteristic Scarlet Aura.

Continuând succesul imens al coverurilor lor anterioare de Crăciun - “Feliz Navidad” în 2022, “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree” în 2021 și “Jingle Bell Rock” în 2020 - Scarlet Aura aduce acum pe scena sărbătorilor un suflu nou. Această nouă interpretare promite să captiveze atât fanii metal, cât și pe iubitorii de muzică de sărbători. Voci puternice și instrumentale electrizante oferă acestei melodii clasice o înfățișare nouă, plină de energie și emoție.

Comentând alegerea lor, Mihai Dănciulescu afirmă: “Dorind să oferim o alternativă proaspătă la melodiile tradiționale de Crăciun, am ales o piesă emblematică pentru bucuria și spiritul sărbătorilor. ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’, în versiunea noastră metal, va fi cu siguranță o experiență de neuitat pentru fanii noștri și nu numai.”

Videoclipul care însoțește piesa, programat pentru lansare în decembrie, promite să fie o fuziune impresionantă de veselie festivă, căldura sărbătorilor și stilul dinamic al trupei. “Pregătiți-vă să descoperiți o latură a sărbătorilor de iarnă cum nu ați mai văzut până acum,” sugerează Aura Dănciulescu, solista trupei.

Cu această lansare, Scarlet Aura își continuă abordarea inovatoare în muzică, amestecând elemente clasice cu stilul lor unic metal, pentru a atrage o gamă largă de pasionați de muzică. Această piesă nu este doar un cadou de sărbători, ci o dovadă a evoluției lor artistice și a angajamentului față de fanii lor.

Pregătiți-vă să rescrieți tradițiile de sărbători cu versiunea metal a trupei Scarlet Aura a piesei “All I Want for Christmas Is You”. Experimentați aici o versiune de Crăciun cum nu ați mai avut până acum.


Romanian Heavy Metal Band Scarlet Aura Release New Album "Rock în Sânge și Voință" on May 5th.

Rock în Sânge și Voință By Scarlet Aura

Romanian Heavy Metal Band Scarlet Aura Release New Album "Rock în Sânge și Voință" on May 5th

"Bucharest, Romania - Romanian heavy metal band Scarlet Aura is proud to announce the release of their new album "Rock în Sânge și Voință" on May 5th, 2023. The album features 11 tracks, all of which are fully written in Romanian, showcasing the band's musical roots and cultural heritage.

Scarlet Aura has worked hard to create an album that speaks to people from all walks of life, with songs that are both heavy and introspective, and showcase the band's emotional range. With their unique sound and powerful performances, Scarlet Aura is sure to impress fans both old and new with "Rock în Sânge și Voință".

Scarlet Aura is eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to perform their new album "Rock în Sânge și Voință" live for their fans. The band has already announced several tour dates in support of the album, with more shows to be added in the coming months. Fans can expect a thrilling and unforgettable experience at each and every Scarlet Aura show, as the band brings their powerful and passionate music to life on stage.

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock în Sânge și Voință
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)

CD: https://scarletaura.com/store/shop/music/rock-in-sange-si-vointa-2023/
Digital: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/RockInSangeSiVointa-Album/

Tour Dates
Scarlet Aura Live Dates 2023 (tba):
22.04.2023 - Alexandria (Ro) - Lego Phoenix
06.05.2023 - Constanta (Ro) - Rock Halle
19.05.2023 - Sibiu (Ro) - Rock'n Bike
20.05.2023 - Bucharest (Ro) - The Pub
27.05.2023 - Galati (Ro) - Versus Pub

Rock în Sânge și Voință, primul album in limba romana din 8 al trupei de heavy metal Scarlet Aura este lansat astăzi!

Rock în Sânge și Voință, primul album in limba romana din 8 al trupei de heavy metal Scarlet Aura este lansat astăzi!

Albumul conține 11 piese, toate scrise integral în limba română!

"Rock în Sânge și Voință" marchează o nouă eră pentru Scarlet Aura, pe măsură ce continuă să își dezvolte sunetul și să își ducă mai departe limitele muzicii lor. Albumul prezintă un sunet semnificativ mai greu, cu rădăcini în thrash și speed metal, oferind riff-uri de chitară dinamice și energice, ritm puternic si voci înălțătoare.

Scarlet Aura a muncit din greu pentru a crea un album care să vorbească tuturor oamenilor, cu piese care prezintă introspectia interioara dar si emoțiile traite de către trupa. Cu sunetul lor unic și interpretările puternice, Scarlet Aura este sigură ca acest album va fi pe placul fanilor.

Scarlet Aura așteaptă cu nerăbdare oportunitatea de a interpreta noul lor album "Rock în Sânge și Voință" live pentru fanii lor iar in acest sens Trupa a anunțat deja câteva date de turneu în sprijinul albumului, cu mai multe spectacole care vor fi adăugate în următoarele luni. Fanii se pot aștepta la o experiență plină de adrenalină și de neuitat la fiecare spectacol Scarlet Aura, pe măsură ce trupa își aduce muzica puternică și pasionala la viață pe scenă.

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock în Sânge și Voință
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)

CD: https://scarletaura.com/store/shop/music/rock-in-sange-si-vointa-2023/
Digital: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/RockInSangeSiVointa-Album/

Tour Dates
Scarlet Aura Live Dates 2023 (tba):
22.04.2023 - Alexandria (Ro) - Lego Phoenix
06.05.2023 - Constanta (Ro) - Rock Halle
19.05.2023 - Sibiu (Ro) - Rock'n Bike
20.05.2023 - Bucharest (Ro) - The Pub
27.05.2023 - Galati (Ro) - Versus Pub

"Rock în Sânge și Voință" este acum disponibil pentru achiziționare pe toate platformele majore de muzică, inclusiv Spotify, Apple Music și Amazon Music. Pentru mai multe informații despre Scarlet Aura și datele lor de turneu viitoare, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul lor la www.scarletaura.com.


Scarlet Aura, one of Romania's highest-rated heavy metal bands, announces the release of their new single, entitled "Cu pletele-n vânt".

Cu pletele-n vânt By Scarlet Aura

Scarlet Aura, one of Romania's highest-rated heavy metal bands, announces the release of their new single, entitled "Cu pletele-n vânt". This powerful and liberating song conveys a message of confidence and determination, and is a demonstration of the power and versatility of heavy metal music.

"Cu pletele-n vânt" is a strong piece, with an eclectic combination of rock and heavy metal sounds that promises to inspire and encourage listeners to follow their passions and take risks in life.

"Cu pletele-n vânt" is just the beginning for Scarlet Aura in 2023. The band is preparing to release a new album, "Rock in sânge și voința," which promises to be one of the most intense and best works in their career. Heavy metal fans are invited to follow Scarlet Aura on social media and prepare for a year full of powerful and sincere music

The music video was produced and directed by Laurențiu Tomoroga from Emotion Philms Production.

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock în Sânge și Voință
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)

The video and single are available here: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/CuPleteleNVant

Scarlet Aura "Cu pletele-n vânt"

Scarlet Aura, una dintre cele mai bine cotate formații de heavy metal din România, anunță lansarea noului lor single, intitulat "Cu pletele-n vânt".

Scarlet Aura, una dintre cele mai bine cotate formații de heavy metal din România, anunță lansarea noului lor single, intitulat "Cu pletele-n vânt". Această piesă puternică și liberă transmite un mesaj de încredere și determinare, și este o demonstrație a puterii și versatilității muzicii heavy metal.

"Cu pletele-n vânt" este o piesă puternică, cu o combinație eclectică de sunete rock și heavy metal, care promite să inspire și să încurajeze ascultătorii să își urmeze pasiunile și să își asume riscuri în viață.

Scarlet Aura, formată în 2015, este o formație de heavy metal cu sediul în București, România. Cu o serie de albume aclamate de critici și o experiență vastă în concerte live, trupa este cunoscută pentru energia și pasiunea sa puternică și sinceră.

"Cu pletele-n vânt" este doar începutul pentru Scarlet Aura în 2023. Trupa pregătește lansarea unui nou album, Rock in sânge și voința, care promite să fie unul dintre cele mai intense și mai bune lucrări din cariera lor. Fanii heavy metal sunt invitați să urmărească Scarlet Aura pe rețelele de socializare și să se pregătească pentru un an plin de muzică puternică și sinceră.

Videoclipului muzical a fost produs și regizat de Laurențiu Tomoroga de la Emotion Philms Production.

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock in Sange si Vointa
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)

Ramaneti alaturi de noi pentru mai multe informatii cu privite la lansarea a “Rock în Sânge și Voință” dar si ale noilor date de turneu pe paginile trupei de social media sau cu un subscribe pe site www.scarletaura.com


Scarlet Aura releases their first Romanian single, a true Heavy Metal Anthem "Rock în Sange și Voință" on March 24, 2023

Scarlet Aura

Scarlet Aura has been on the forefront of the heavy metal scene, consistently delivering high-energy performances, and pushing the boundaries of the genre with their unique sound, power and performance. Their upcoming single "Rock în Sange și Voință" is no exception. With its powerful lyrics, driving beats, and soaring vocals, the track promises to be a headbanging anthem that will resonate with metalheads around the world.

The song's message is particularly timely in today's world, as it calls for unity, trust, and support among musicians, artists, and the wider community of metalheads and tattoo lovers. It emphasizes the importance of having an iron will, taking responsibility for one's actions, and working hard to achieve excellence in one's chosen field, making success as part of your own print, of your own body under the form of a tattoo or just of will.

Scarlet Aura's new single is not just a song, but a representation of the band's journey and what they stand for. The band's latest release promises to inspire and uplift fans with its message of perseverance, unity, and hope and will for sure impress both long-time fans and new listeners. The single was written in 2021 and first released on MusinkForHumanity CD compilation by “Asociația Tattoo & Piercing România” (Next Level Tattoos by Costi Azoiței) last year and eventually became a title track for band’s first album fully written in Romanian. Costi Azoiței, known also as one of the best tattoo artists in Europe and beyond is also guilty for the artwork of the album.

Mihai Danciulescu shares:"Rock in Blood and Will” is not just a song, but represents entirely who we are today. It´s been almost 20 years of music and searches for each of us, members of the Scarlet Aura band. Music is not something we do, it´s something we are, and so today, through our self-education in music, we are shaped by rock and willpower. You can only reach excellence if you have an iron will, if you take responsibility for what you have chosen to do, and especially if you want to evolve, to become better, to be ambitious and have faith in the day to come, in the colleagues next to you on stage, or in the audience for whom you write, sing, and live music. It’s amazing how we found each other with Costi Azoiței that inspired us in making a song about metal and tattoos and how this became the start of our future album and also an amazingly beautiful collaboration with him that ended with him making especially for us this extraordinary album artwork. We are a community, we artists and musicians, and today, through this song, we are happy to bring added value to it by singing out loud about our world, about tattoo artists and tattoos. Unity, trust, and being there for each other is the message that our song wants to convey, a message that is so much needed today, everywhere in the world, but especially in our world of music and fine arts."

“Scarlet Aura's new single is available on all major music platforms on March 24th, 2023. The full album “Rock in Sange si Vointa”, featuring 11 songs, will be released on May 5th 2023 via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.

Listen to the single here: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/RockInSangeSiVointa

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock în Sânge și Voință
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)

Scarlet Aura lansează primul single în limba română, un adevărat imn heavy metal intitulat "Rock în Sânge și Voință"!

Scarlet Aura, aflată în fruntea scenei heavy metal, livrează de ani buni spectacole pline de energie depășind limitele genului cu sunetul lor unic, voci puternice, instrumental de excepție. Noul lor single, "Rock în Sânge și Voință", este la mare înălțime. Cu versuri puternice, beat-uri și voci înălțătoare, piesa promite să fie un imn Heavy metal care va rezona cu fanii din întreaga lume.

Mesajul piesei este deosebit de oportun în lumea de astăzi, deoarece cere unitate, încredere și sprijin între muzicieni, artiști și comunitatea mai largă a fanilor de heavy metal și a iubitorilor de tatuaje. Accentuează importanța de a avea o voință de fier, de a-ți asuma responsabilitatea pentru propriile acțiuni și de a lucra din greu pentru a atinge excelența în domeniul ales, făcând succesul parte din propria ta amprentă, din propriul corp sub forma unui tatuaj sau doar din voință.

Noul single al trupei Scarlet Aura nu este doar o piesă, ci o reprezentare a călătoriei trupei și a ceea ce reprezintă. Cea mai recentă lansare promite să inspire și să ridice fanii cu mesajul său de perseverență, unitate și speranță și cu siguranță va impresiona atât fanii mai vechi, cât și pe cei noi. Single-ul a fost scris în 2021 și lansat pentru prima dată pe compilația CD MusinkForHumanity de către "Asociația Tattoo & Piercing România" (Next Level Tattoos by Costi Azoiței) anul trecut și în cele din urmă a devenit piesa de titlu pentru primul lor album scris integral în limba română. Costi Azoiței, cunoscut și ca unul dintre cei mai buni artiști de tatuaje din Europa și dincolo de aceasta, este de asemenea responsabil pentru designul albumului.

Mihai Danciulescu declară:”Rock în sânge și voință nu este doar o melodie ci reprezintă întru totul ceea ce suntem noi astăzi. Se împlinesc pentru fiecare dintre noi, membri ai trupei Scarlet Aura, aproape 20 ani de muzică și de căutări. Muzica nu este ceva ce facem, este ceva ce suntem și astfel am ajuns astăzi în autoeducarea noastră prin muzică să fim plămădiți din rock și voință. Nu poți să ajungi la performanță decât dacă ai o voință de fier, dacă îți asumi ce ai ales să faci și mai ales dacă vrei să evoluezi, să devii mai bun, să fii ambițios și cu credința în ziua ce vine, în colegii de lângă tine pe scenă sau în publicul pentru care scrii muzică, o cânți, o trăiești. Este uimitor cum ne-am găsit cu Costi Azoiței care ne-a inspirat să facem o piesă despre metal și tatuaje și cum aceasta a devenit începutul viitorului nostru album și, de asemenea, cum am reușit alături de el o colaborare incredibil de frumoasă care nu s-a oprit la compilație ci a continuat prin realizarea de către acesta, special pentru noi, a acestei extraordinare opere de artă, coperta de album. Suntem o comunitate, artiștii muzicieni, iar astăzi prin această melodie ne bucurăm să aducem un plus valoare acesteia prin alăturarea artiștilor tatuatori, a tatuajelor în lumea noastră. Să fim uniți, să ne oferim încredere, să fim alături unii de ceilalți este mesajul pe care melodia noastră își dorește să-l transmită, un mesaj atât de mult dorit astăzi, peste tot în lume dar mai ales în lumea noastră a muzicii și a artelor frumoase.”

Noul single al formației Scarlet Aura va fi disponibil pe toate platformele de muzică importante începând cu data de 24 martie 2023. Albumul complet "Rock în Sânge și Voință", care include 11 piese, va fi lansat pe data de 5 mai 2023 prin intermediul Universal Music România și Silver City Records.

Ascultă aici: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/RockInSangeSiVointa

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock in Sange si Vointa
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)


Scarlet Aura Announces "Rock în Sânge și Voință", Their First Romanian Album

Scarlet Aura

Bucharest, Romania - Scarlet Aura, the internationally renowned heavy metal band from Romania, has announced their upcoming album “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, featuring 11 songs, which will be released on May 5th 2023 via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.

Scarlet Aura has been making waves in the international heavy metal scene since their inception in 2015, with a string of successful albums and electrifying live performances on extensive tours throughout Europe and Asia, and appearances with heavyweights such as Tarja Turunen, Rhapsody of Fire, Delain, and Sabaton just to name a few. Scarlet Aura´s sound is known for its distinctive blend of heavy metal, rock, and melodic elements and has earned them a dedicated following worldwide. Recent collaboration with Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear, Avantasia) and joint event “Rock United by Scarlet Aura” with Ralf and Doro Pesch in October 2022 in Bucharest strengthened their presence on heavy metal scene.

With “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, Scarlet Aura is poised to reach new heights as the band pushes their creativity to new levels, showcasing their love for their Romanian roots and passion for creating powerful, meaningful music. The album marks a significant departure from band’s previous work, as all 11 songs are fully written in Romanian, for the first time in Scarlet Aura’ career. The band´s decision to embrace their native language was inspired by a desire to pay homage to their heritage and create a unique listening experience. The album will also present significantly heavier sound that draws inspiration from the roots of thrash and speed metal. Fans can expect an album full of high-energy anthems, powerful vocals, and crushing riffs.

We are incredibly excited to share this new chapter of our musical journey with our fans”, says Scarlet Aura´s frontwoman Aura Danciulescu. “Rock în Sânge și Voință” is an album that is close to our hearts, and we poured our souls into every song. “Rock în Sânge și Voință” (which translates as /b> “Rock in Blood and Will”) is an album about strength, passion, and the power of music to connect people across cultures, borders and people from all walks of life. We can´t wait for everyone to hear it and experience the beauty of the Romanian language and the power of true Romanian metal! In one of our songs, I sing “România Cântă Rock – Romania Este Rock”, which means “Romania sings Rock – Romania IS Rock”. We hope it will inspire people to connect with their own roots and embrace the power of music to bring us all together."

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” will be released in May 2023, but fans can get a taste of what´s to come with the first single of the same name, set to be released on March 24th, 2023.

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock în Sânge și Voință
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)

Stay tuned for more updates on the release of “Rock în Sânge și Voință” and Scarlet Aura´s upcoming tour dates. For more information, follow the band on their official social media channels.

Scarlet Aura Anunta “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, Primul Album in Limba Romana al Trupei

Scarlet Aura, trupa romaneasca de heavy metal anunta viitorul album “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, cu 11 melodii ce va fi lansat pe 5 Mai 2023 prin Universal Music Romania si Silver City Records.

Scarlet Aura a facut valuri pe scena metal internationala inca de la inceputuri din 2015 cu o suita de albume de succes si concerte Live spectaculoase, turnee sustinute atat in Europa cat si in Asia, dar si datorita turneelor alaturi de Tarja Turunen, Rhapsody of Fire, Delain, Sabaton si multi altii. Sunetul Scarlet Aura este cunoscut pentru mixing-ul distinctiv de heavy metal, rock si elemente melodice. Recent colaborarea cu Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear, Avantasia) pe melodia “Fire All Weapons” dar si evenimentul realizat impreuna cu Ralf si Doro Pesch “Rock United by Scarlet Aura” in octombrie 2022 in Bucuresti a intarit prezenta acestora la nivelul scenei heavy metal.

Cu “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, Scarlet Aura isi propune sa atinga noi culmi, trupa ducand creativitatea muzicala la nivele inalte, aratand iubire fata de radacinile romanesti dar si pasiunea de a crea muzica puternica si cu inteles. Albumul marcheaza o etapa diferita a trupei comparativ cu lucrarile anterioare cele 11 melodii fiind scrise complet in limba romana, pentru prima data in cariera Scarlet Aura. Decizia trupei de a imbratisa limba nativa a fost inspirata de dorinta de a aduce un omagiu mostenirii lor dar si pentru a crea o experienta unica. Albumul va prezenta un sunet semnificativ greoi ce isi trage seva din thrash si speed metal. Fanii se pot astepta la un album plin de imnuri energice si pozitive, voci puternice, riff-uri covarsitoare, solo-uri de chitara inaltatoare dar si de ritmuri rapide.

“Iata ca am ajuns la acest capitol al aventurii noastre muzicale si suntem bucurosi sa il impartasim cu voi, prietenii si fanii nostri“, declara Aura Danciulescu. “Rock în Sânge și Voință“ este un album foarte apropiat inimii noastre si ne-am pus sufletul in fiecare cantec. “Rock în Sânge și Voință” este un album despre putere, pasiune dar si despre darul muzicii de a aduce laolalta oamenii. Abia asteptam sa il ascultati si sa experimentati Frumusetea limbii romane dar si puterea metalului pur romanesc. Unul dintre cantecele noastre “Rock în Sânge și Voință” aduce speranta ca ne vom gasi impreuna in cautarea propriilor radacini si ca vom imbratisa puterea muzicii.”

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” va fi lansat pe 5 Mai 2023 dar fanii pot sa ii dea de gust odata cu publicarea primului single de pe album in 24 Martie 2023.

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock in Sange si Vointa
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)

Ramaneti alaturi de noi pentru mai multe informatii cu privite la lansarea a “Rock în Sânge și Voință” dar si ale noilor date de turneu pe paginile trupei de social media sau cu un subscribe pe site www.scarletaura.com


Scarlet Aura drops new video and single “Fire All Weapons”, featuring Ralf Scheepers from Primal Fear

Fire All Weapons By Scarlet Aura

On February 24th Scarlet Aura presents new video and digital single “Fire All Weapons” featuring one of the most recognizable voices of power metal – Ralf Scheepers.

The filming took place at the very special place full of history near Bucharest, Romania and continued for 16 hours, right before rehearsals for the Rock United event made by Scarlet Aura, in which Ralf and Doro Pesch were invited guests to play together with the Romanian power metallers.

Scarlet Aura comments: “ ”Fire All Weapons” is by far one of our greatest songs Mihai Danciulescu wrote for Scarlet Aura and having Ralf with us gives to it an even more importance and charm. It’s a powerful song we made with the intention to show how serious we are on the heavy metal stage and how we’ll continue fighting for our right to be here, to sing, and to make people happy with our music.

Ralf is such an impressive artist, he is also a good friend that we’ve got to cherish, love and respect him very much, one of the few that got our backs and that forever can rely on ours. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the song and the video as much as we do, a video that we’ve made with our talented friends Laurentiu Tomoroga, Roberto Stan and Paul Decu.”

The video and single are available here: http://scarletaura.lnk.to/FireAllWeapons

Scarlet Aura feat. Ralf Scheepers - "Fire All Weapons"

Ascultă aiciAscultă aici

Scarlet Aura Announces "Rock în Sânge și Voință", Their First Romanian Album

Scarlet Aura

Bucharest, Romania - Scarlet Aura, the internationally renowned heavy metal band from Romania, has announced their upcoming album “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, featuring 11 songs, which will be released on May 5th 2023 via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.

Scarlet Aura has been making waves in the international heavy metal scene since their inception in 2015, with a string of successful albums and electrifying live performances on extensive tours throughout Europe and Asia, and appearances with heavyweights such as Tarja Turunen, Rhapsody of Fire, Delain, and Sabaton just to name a few. Scarlet Aura´s sound is known for its distinctive blend of heavy metal, rock, and melodic elements and has earned them a dedicated following worldwide. Recent collaboration with Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear, Avantasia) and joint event “Rock United by Scarlet Aura” with Ralf and Doro Pesch in October 2022 in Bucharest strengthened their presence on heavy metal scene.

With “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, Scarlet Aura is poised to reach new heights as the band pushes their creativity to new levels, showcasing their love for their Romanian roots and passion for creating powerful, meaningful music. The album marks a significant departure from band’s previous work, as all 11 songs are fully written in Romanian, for the first time in Scarlet Aura’ career. The band´s decision to embrace their native language was inspired by a desire to pay homage to their heritage and create a unique listening experience. The album will also present significantly heavier sound that draws inspiration from the roots of thrash and speed metal. Fans can expect an album full of high-energy anthems, powerful vocals, and crushing riffs.

We are incredibly excited to share this new chapter of our musical journey with our fans”, says Scarlet Aura´s frontwoman Aura Danciulescu. “Rock în Sânge și Voință” is an album that is close to our hearts, and we poured our souls into every song. “Rock în Sânge și Voință” (which translates as /b> “Rock in Blood and Will”) is an album about strength, passion, and the power of music to connect people across cultures, borders and people from all walks of life. We can´t wait for everyone to hear it and experience the beauty of the Romanian language and the power of true Romanian metal! In one of our songs, I sing “România Cântă Rock – Romania Este Rock”, which means “Romania sings Rock – Romania IS Rock”. We hope it will inspire people to connect with their own roots and embrace the power of music to bring us all together."

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” will be released in May 2023, but fans can get a taste of what´s to come with the first single of the same name, set to be released on March 24th, 2023.

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock în Sânge și Voință
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)

Stay tuned for more updates on the release of “Rock în Sânge și Voință” and Scarlet Aura´s upcoming tour dates. For more information, follow the band on their official social media channels.

Scarlet Aura Anunta “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, Primul Album in Limba Romana al Trupei

Scarlet Aura, trupa romaneasca de heavy metal anunta viitorul album “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, cu 11 melodii ce va fi lansat pe 5 Mai 2023 prin Universal Music Romania si Silver City Records.

Scarlet Aura a facut valuri pe scena metal internationala inca de la inceputuri din 2015 cu o suita de albume de succes si concerte Live spectaculoase, turnee sustinute atat in Europa cat si in Asia, dar si datorita turneelor alaturi de Tarja Turunen, Rhapsody of Fire, Delain, Sabaton si multi altii. Sunetul Scarlet Aura este cunoscut pentru mixing-ul distinctiv de heavy metal, rock si elemente melodice. Recent colaborarea cu Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear, Avantasia) pe melodia “Fire All Weapons” dar si evenimentul realizat impreuna cu Ralf si Doro Pesch “Rock United by Scarlet Aura” in octombrie 2022 in Bucuresti a intarit prezenta acestora la nivelul scenei heavy metal.

Cu “Rock în Sânge și Voință”, Scarlet Aura isi propune sa atinga noi culmi, trupa ducand creativitatea muzicala la nivele inalte, aratand iubire fata de radacinile romanesti dar si pasiunea de a crea muzica puternica si cu inteles. Albumul marcheaza o etapa diferita a trupei comparativ cu lucrarile anterioare cele 11 melodii fiind scrise complet in limba romana, pentru prima data in cariera Scarlet Aura. Decizia trupei de a imbratisa limba nativa a fost inspirata de dorinta de a aduce un omagiu mostenirii lor dar si pentru a crea o experienta unica. Albumul va prezenta un sunet semnificativ greoi ce isi trage seva din thrash si speed metal. Fanii se pot astepta la un album plin de imnuri energice si pozitive, voci puternice, riff-uri covarsitoare, solo-uri de chitara inaltatoare dar si de ritmuri rapide.

“Iata ca am ajuns la acest capitol al aventurii noastre muzicale si suntem bucurosi sa il impartasim cu voi, prietenii si fanii nostri“, declara Aura Danciulescu. “Rock în Sânge și Voință“ este un album foarte apropiat inimii noastre si ne-am pus sufletul in fiecare cantec. “Rock în Sânge și Voință” este un album despre putere, pasiune dar si despre darul muzicii de a aduce laolalta oamenii. Abia asteptam sa il ascultati si sa experimentati Frumusetea limbii romane dar si puterea metalului pur romanesc. Unul dintre cantecele noastre “Rock în Sânge și Voință” aduce speranta ca ne vom gasi impreuna in cautarea propriilor radacini si ca vom imbratisa puterea muzicii.”

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” va fi lansat pe 5 Mai 2023 dar fanii pot sa ii dea de gust odata cu publicarea primului single de pe album in 24 Martie 2023.

“Rock în Sânge și Voință” track list:

1. Rock in Sange si Vointa
2. Îngeri și Demoni
3. Blestemul Sfinților
4. Regina Nopții
5. Veteranii
6. România Cântă Rock
7. Cu Pletele-n Vânt
8. Aripi Pentru Toți
9. Sunt Eu … o Umbră
10. Uniți Până La Moarte
11. Ploaia (SPIN cover)

Ramaneti alaturi de noi pentru mai multe informatii cu privite la lansarea a “Rock în Sânge și Voință” dar si ale noilor date de turneu pe paginile trupei de social media sau cu un subscribe pe site www.scarletaura.com


Scarlet Aura drops new video and single “Fire All Weapons”, featuring Ralf Scheepers from Primal Fear

Fire All Weapons By Scarlet Aura

On February 24th Scarlet Aura presents new video and digital single “Fire All Weapons” featuring one of the most recognizable voices of power metal – Ralf Scheepers.

The filming took place at the very special place full of history near Bucharest, Romania and continued for 16 hours, right before rehearsals for the Rock United event made by Scarlet Aura, in which Ralf and Doro Pesch were invited guests to play together with the Romanian power metallers.

Scarlet Aura comments: “ ”Fire All Weapons” is by far one of our greatest songs Mihai Danciulescu wrote for Scarlet Aura and having Ralf with us gives to it an even more importance and charm. It’s a powerful song we made with the intention to show how serious we are on the heavy metal stage and how we’ll continue fighting for our right to be here, to sing, and to make people happy with our music.

Ralf is such an impressive artist, he is also a good friend that we’ve got to cherish, love and respect him very much, one of the few that got our backs and that forever can rely on ours. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the song and the video as much as we do, a video that we’ve made with our talented friends Laurentiu Tomoroga, Roberto Stan and Paul Decu.”

The video and single are available here: http://scarletaura.lnk.to/FireAllWeapons

Scarlet Aura feat. Ralf Scheepers - "Fire All Weapons"


Scarlet Aura lansează noul videoclip și single-ul "Fire All Weapons", cu participarea lui Ralf Scheepers de la Primal Fear

Pe 24 februarie, Scarlet Aura prezintă noul videoclip și single digital "Fire All Weapons", cu una dintre cele mai recunoscute voci din power metal - Ralf Scheepers.

Filmările au avut loc într-un loc foarte special plin de istorie lângă București, România și au continuat timp de 16 ore, chiar înainte de repetițiile pentru evenimentul Rock United organizat de Scarlet Aura, în care Ralf și Doro Pesch au fost invitați să cânte împreună cu trupa de power metal din România.

Scarlet Aura declară: „"Fire All Weapons" este, cu siguranță, una dintre cele mai impresionante piese pe care Mihai Danciulescu le-a scris pentru Scarlet Aura iar să îl avem pe Ralf cu noi îi conferă o greutate și însemnătate aparte. Este o piesă puternică pe care am făcut-o cu intenția de a arăta cât de serioși suntem pe scena heavy metal și cum vom continua să luptăm pentru dreptul nostru de a fi aici, de a cânta și de a face oamenii fericiți cu muzica noastră.

Ralf este un artist impresionant și, de asemenea, un bun prieten pe care trebuie să îl prețuim, să îl iubim și să îl respectăm foarte mult, unul dintre puținii care ne sunt alături și care se pot baza întotdeauna pe noi. Sperăm să vă bucurați de piesă și de videoclip la fel de mult ca și noi, un videoclip pe care l-am realizat cu prietenii noștri talentați Laurentiu Tomoroga, Roberto Stan și Paul Decu.”

Videoclipul și single-ul sunt disponibile aici: http://scarletaura.lnk.to/FireAllWeapons


Scarlet Aura and Ralf Scheepers are firing all weapons!

Fire All Weapons By Scarlet Aura

Scarlet Aura starts 2023 in full force by announcing the release of their latest single “Fire all weapons” featuring the one and only Ralf Scheepers from Primal Fear.

Ralf was invited by the band to play together in October 2022 in an amazing performance at the Rock United event made by Scarlet Aura, in which the Queen of Metal Doro Pesch was also performing alongside Romanian heavy metallers.

Ralf dedicated a few days to Scarlet Aura event but also filmed with the band the video for this smashing heavy metal masterpiece that brings strong riffs, speedy drums and thunderous bass guitar under the flag of two of the most powerful and harmonious vocals of Aura and Ralf.

The song, written by Mihai Danciulescu combined perfectly these two heavy metal monsters and definitely could become a future anthem of the free genre.

Ralf Scheepers shares: “Aura and Mihai from the band Scarlet Aura have asked me if I want to join them singing a duet on their new track “Fire all weapons”, so I have asked them to send me the demo to decide this, they did it and I immediately liked the song!

I imported the files into my DAW and did the song in two hours and sent back my results. They liked it and so we had a great contribution.

Last year they asked me if I want to join for the video as well and I had time to do this. So I traveled to Romania to shoot the video. I got to know all the members of the band, they were kind and wonderful people! A very friendly and familiar atmosphere. I have also joined their show as a special event show including Doro and me. We all had a blast together!

You will like the results of the video and the song I’m very sure!”

The video was directed by Laurentiu Tomoroga and Paul Decu and filmed at the historic site near Bucharest.

The single will be released on 24th of February so, stay tuned!

Follow Scarlet Aura on YouTube and subscribe for some great spoilers 🤘


ROCK UNITED by SCARLET AURA brings Doro Pesch and Ralf Scheepers to Bucharest on October 25

Rock United By Scarlet Aura
Doro picture by Tim Tronckoe

The first edition of Rock United by Scarlet Aura will take place October 25 at Beraria H and will unite on stage key figures of the local and international scene in an unprecedented event! The two stars joining the debut edition of Rock United by Scarlet Aura are the metal queen - Doro Pesch and Ralf Scheepers, the legend whose voice identifies with the music of Primal Fear, Gamma Ray, and most recently, Avantasia.

Scarlet Aura promises a majestic show featuring an entangling mix of own songs, most loved covers and landmark tracks released by special guests, performed together.

Aura Dănciulescu, lead singer of Scarlet Aura explains: "Just like our guests, we live, feel and sing metal. And the passion for metal is the trigger that set in motion the mechanism that brings today to Romania this fabulous line up! We invite you all to join Rock United by Scarlet Aura, the first edition of an event we plan to reiterate yearly!"

Scarlet Aura is the first female fronted Romanian rock act to claim recognition on the international scene by touring with Tarja Turunen, Angra, Rhapsody and Jeff Scott Soto.

Doro Pesch has been making metal history since the 80s and released stelar hits like "Raise Your Fist", "Für Immer", "All We Are", or "Metal Tango." Nicknamed The Queen Of Metal, Doro holds a special place in the gallery of female singers of the metal scene, as one of the most loved performers of the genre.

The list of celebrity guests continues with one of the most poignant male presences of the metal scene: Ralf Scheepers. His voice brings to life hits like "Angel In Black" or “I Am Alive” (Primal Fear), "Heading For Tomorrow" (Gamma Ray) and "Dying For An Angel" (Avantasia).

For the 25 October ROCK UNITED by SCARLET AURA, featuring Doro Pesch, Ralf Scheepers and GreenTies, tickets are available on: https://www.yellowtickets.ro/bilete/rock-united-aura-doro-more .

Scarlet Aura - Frostbite

Doro Pesch - Raise Your Fist In The Air - Live At Wacken

Primal Fear - I Am Alive


Scarlet Aura releases new double acoustic album and a new single!


We were gifted with the amazing ability and talent to be part of this world that gave us so much, a world to which we owe so much, the world of heavy metal. We had no idea that we can thank to this world in a certain manner but we discovered how to honor it even more than we do it every day and that was by making an acoustic album of our very own heavy metal songs and of the cover songs we love the most. The circle was closed by having this masterpiece “Under My Skin” and there couldn’t be a better song to represent it as a new single with video such as “Glimpse in The Mirror”. Originally released on our Hot’n’Heavy album, this song is one of the most loved Scarlet Aura songs since our very first song that we’ve put out there for our fans.

“Glimpse in The Mirror” is a song that depicts in a very sensible way our own questions regarding life, relationships and regarding ourselves. The question of “who am I truly to myself and to others?” is the theme of this piece of art and now played acoustically it can only give you a deeper sense of this forever search. We hope you’ll find yourself in the mirroring of our song and lyrics and bring you the peace in understanding that You Are Not Alone! The song is written by Mihai “Myke D” Danciulescu in 2018, lyrics by Aura Danciulescu and recorded at the Silver City Studio by Scarlet Aura in 2021. The video was filmed and directed by Aura Danciulescu. Released via Silver City Records and Universal Music Romania on 22 of April 2022.

The single is available here: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/GlimpseInTheMirror

Glimpse in the Mirror

Under My Skin Release Album Tour:
22.04.2022 | RO – Bucuresti | Pub Universitatii
23.04.2022 | BG – Veliko Tarnovo | Wolf Den
29.04.2022 | RO – Baicoi | Club Touché
30.04.2022 | RO – Sibiu | Rock N’Bike
04.05.2022 | RO – Bucuresti | Beraria H
06.05.2022 | RO – Brasov | Temple Pub
13.05.2022 | RO – Suceava | Art Café
14.05.2022 | RO – Falticeni | Imperial Grill & Music
20.05.2022 | RO – Bucuresti | Nomadia
21.05.2022 | RO – Galati | Versus Pub *Full Electric show
22.05.2022 | RO – Galati | Versus Pub
03.06.2022 | BE – Gent | Crossover *Full Electric show
04.06.2022 | NL – Hoofddorp | Duycker *Full Electric show
11.06.2022 | RO – Constanta | Rock Halle
16.06.2022 | RO – Buzau | Terasa Atlantis *Full Electric show
17.06.2022 | RO – Sacele| Fényes
25.06.2022 | RO – Iasi | Rockenrolla
09.07.2022 | BG – Vratsa | MC Fest *Full Electric show
13.08.2022 | RO – Baiut | Rock N'Road Weekend *Full Electric show
14.08.2022 | RO – Ceahlau | Water Fest *Full Electric show
20.08.2022 | RO – Roman | Alege Moto Rock *Full Electric show
10.09.2022 | RO – Topoloveni | Archangels MC Fest *Full Electric show

Link for CD order: Under My Skin (2022) - Double Acoustic CD

“Under My Skin” is out as double CD digipak on 22nd of April 2022 via Silver City Records and Universal Music Romania. The full digital release of the album will commence at the later date.


Scarlet Aura announces new album pre-sale and a charity action


Week later after special release of Scarlet Aura's acoustic rendition of "Ya Svoboden" from the band's forthcoming album, "Under My Skin”" scheduled for release on 22nd of April, the band is starting a special album pre-sale combined with a charity action.

"Everyone, who will order this double CD in March will receive a hand-made card crafted by Aura and Sofia as a symbol to empower women everywhere, mothers, daughters and young ladies, and transmit them our strongest belief: united we stand! The cards are free but if you want to donate extra to the cost of the album we’ll make sure to use the money for the mothers, girls and kids in need (Romanians and Ukrainians) with help of Aripi Pentru Toti. Aripi Pentru Toti is a non-profit NGO that aims to support cultural and artistic endeavours and support initiatives dedicated to young people."

Link for pre-order: Under My Skin (2022) - Double Acoustic CD + special pre-order item

Scarlet Aura "Ya Svoboden"(which means "I Am Free") a single that should have been released at a later date a manifesto for freedom, love and peace, a call for strength and unity in the face of adversity!

The single is available here: https://ScarletAura.lnk.to/YaSvoboden

Ya Svoboden / I Am Free

“Under My Skin” will be out physically as double CD digipak on 22nd of April 2022 via Silver City Records and Universal Music Romania. The full digital release of the album will commence at the later date.


Scarlet Aura releases acoustic cover of iconic ballad "Ya Svoboden / I Am Free"


In a universal call for peace and unity, Scarlet Aura come forward with their own rendition of "Ya Svoboden", a top hit in the Russian rock charts. "Ya Svoboden" was originally released over 20 years ago, but its message is every bit as valid today as it was back then

Scarlet Aura's acoustic rendition of "Ya Svoboden" is the first installment of the band's forthcoming album, "Under My Skin”" scheduled for release on 22nd of April.

Scarlet Aura considers "Ya Svoboden" (which means "I Am Free") a single that should have been released at a later date a manifesto for freedom, love and peace, a call for strength and unity in the face of adversity and so it comes in front of you urgently, today

The band stated with a post on their official Facebook page:

"We are astonished by the Russian attack over Ukraine! We don’t know much, we don’t know anything about world politics and orders but what we know is that we stand aside every human being that is being as we speak oppressed and taken out of their homes in order to find a safe place. Not only with this neighboring war but to all of them: we want peace!!! Stand aside and leave the normal people to have a normal life and you can take your war face to face with those with whom you’ve got an issue! Men up! Until then, all we can do is to make music and play it for you and bring you maybe a small piece of tranquility. Send you all love and strength to get over whatever you’re facing today, tomorrow!”

Having this in mind, "Ya Svoboden" under Scarlet Aura's signature played in Russian language will make the message well understood by millions of Russians who do not want to take part of this war and are not supporting their government in these actions, a support message for the Ukraine civilians, innocent victims of this horrific act of war, and for all of us who suffer alongside the terrorized citizen of this continent, of this world.

The single is available here: https://ScarletAura.lnk.to/YaSvoboden

Ya Svoboden / I Am Free

“Under My Skin” will be out physically as double CD digipak on 22nd of April 2022 via Silver City Records and Universal Music Romania. The full digital release of the album will commence at the later date.


Scarlet Aura Unveils New Double Album!


Romanian heavy/power metallers Scarlet Aura never stop working. After successfully releasing their latest album “Genesis Of Time” only in September 2021 as the final instalment from “The Book Of Scarlet”, they are ready to surprise their fans again!

The band reveals the title of their upcoming and first of its kind in band’s history – acoustic album: “Under My Skin”, which will be released physically as double CD digipak on 22nd of April via Silver City Records and Universal Music Romania. The full digital release of the album will commence at the later date.

“Under My Skin” is the collection of band’s “Best Of” songs but with the unexpected twist. Re-interpreted in the acoustic style, the songs were transformed by Mihai Danciulescu from the train hitting power to the mellowness and breathtaking of the acoustic chords joined by Aura’s touching vocals, Rene’s present and rapid bass lines and soft beats from Matthias. The power/heavy metal storm in the Scarlet Aura latest releases turned with this album into a acoustic masterpiece orchestra, which proves once more that the dedication of the band towards the fans and heavy metal is absolute, joining the big bands at the round table of electric and acoustic skills in songwriting, sound and production.

The track list will include selection of songs from all Scarlet Aura albums to date, including surprise cover of the iconic ballad “Ya Svoboden (Я Свободен / I Am Free)” by V. Kipelov (ex-Aria, Kipelov).

1. Hail To You!
2. Frostbite
3. Let’s Go Freakin’ Wild
4. Immortal In Your Eyes
5. Battle Cry
6. Glimpse In The Mirror
7. Zombie
8. Fallin’ To Pieces
9. If I Close My Eyes Forever
10. My Own Nightmare
11. You’re Not Alone
12. Breaking The Law
13. Ingeri Pe Motoare
14. Utopia
15. The Heretic
16. Colour Blind
17. All We Are
18. Ya Svoboden (Я Свободен / I Am Free)


Genesis of Time is here!

Start your weekend with some power/heavy metal from Scarlet Aura. Because their latest album "Genesis of Time" is out now!

The Genesis Of Time album comes as a boomerang to close the circle of the heavy metal story, "The Book Of Scarlet" trilogy! "Hot’n’Heavy" opened the door to a world of an illusion, It brought the savior and presented Scarlet to the world, as a savior. "Stormbreaker" took us to every kind of feelings, from ups and downs and from hell to heaven proving to each one of us that we are all a Scarlet, that we all can be either a savior either a destroyer, depending on what we choose for ourselves. And there was time for the Genesis to come, the moment where everything started and everything else ended, the ultimate road to a Utopia. The world of Scarlet Aura became after this trilogy beyond any doubt more than heavy metal, more than fantasy, it became our world in which we invite you to experience a unique concept for the soul.

The band got to an artistic maturity with this conceptual trilogy and we are more than honored and happy to present it to you and to invite you to our shows! Let there be Scarlet Aura!

Scarlet Aura shares: "We are happy to have arrived here, happy and delighted by this trilogy through which we invite friends and fans to know our world, the world of Scarlet and why not, to become Yours, to enjoy together a new and beautiful Heavy metal."

"A recommended album and a band that is no longer revelation because it has a place, by dint of successes, in the great world of Metal." - MetalWorld Argentina

"All good things must come to an end, which is the case with Scarlet Aura’s “The Book of Scarlet” trilogy with the release of the excellent Genesis of Time, and it’s impressive how the band managed to bring into being an even better opus than Stormbreaker, displaying a more mature, melodic and intricate sound that will undoubtedly be appreciated by metalheads from all over the world." The Headbanging Moose

“Genesis of Time” is an exciting album that fans of Power Metal and progressive music, in general, will enjoy" FemMetal - Goddesses of Metal

Check out personal message from Ralf Scheepers – vocalist of heavy metal band Primal Fear regarding Scarlet Aura and the Genesis of Time album

“Genesis of Time” is out now digitally, and as special limited-edition BoxSet, CD-digipak and double black orange splatter heavy weight 180g vinyl via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.
You can stream the album here: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/GenesisOfTime and order from www.scarletaura.com!

15.9.2021 | RO – Bucharest | Quantic
17.9.2021 | RO – Suceava | Art Rock Cafe
18.9.2021 | RO – Iasi | Rocknrolla
24.9.2021 | RO – Buzau | No Limit
25.9.2021 | RO – Câmpina | Club Live
01.10.2021 | BG – Plovdiv | Polinero
02.10.2021 | BG – Ruse | Max Cluba
08.10.2021 | RO – Baicoi | Touche Bar
09.10.2021 | RO – Constanta | Rock Halle
15.10.2021 | RO – Zalau | Rock’n Roll Center
16.10.2021 | RO – Cluj | Zipp It
23.10.2021 | RO – Sibiu | Rock N’Bike


Scarlet Aura invites you to the show!

With pain in our hearts because of the European shows we can’t do this year we had to look forward and today we invite you to our show! Where? Here are the dates:

05.9.2021 | BG – Chirpan | Rock Fest
15.9.2021 | RO – Bucharest | Quantic
17.9.2021 | RO – Suceava | Art Rock Cafe
18.9.2021 | RO – Iasi | Rocknrolla
24.9.2021 | RO – Buzau | No Limit
25.9.2021 | RO – Câmpina | Club Live
01.10.2021 | BG – Plovdiv | Polinero
02.10.2021 | BG – Ruse | Max Cluba
08.10.2021 | RO – Baicoi | Touche Bar
09.10.2021 | RO – Constanta | Rock Halle
15.10.2021 | RO – Zalau | Rock’n Roll Center
16.10.2021 | RO – Cluj | Zipp It
23.10.2021 | RO – Sibiu | Rock N’Bike

“Genesis of Time” will be out on September 10th 2021 digitally, and as special limited-edition BoxSet, CD-digipak and double black orange splatter heavy weight 180g vinyl via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.
You can pre-order the album here: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/GenesisOfTime or from www.scarletaura.com!

Here’s also a video with a personal message from Aura:


Special guest for our album release concert revealed!

TThe time is getting closer and closer to the release date of our album “Genesis of Time” on 10th of September!

In addition to adding more dates to our tour in Romania and Bulgaria, we are very happy to announce a very special guest for our album release concert in Bucharest on 15th of September - power metal band “Magica”!

Tour dates:
15.9.2021 | RO – Bucharest | Quantic
17.9.2021 | RO – Suceava | Art Rock Cafe
18.9.2021 | RO – Iasi | Rocknrolla
24.9.2021 | RO – Buzau |
01.10.2021 | BG – Plovdiv | Polinero a
02.10.2021 | BG – Ruse | Max Cluba
08.10.2021 | RO – Baicoi | Touche Bara
09.10.2021 | RO – Constanta | Rock Hallea
15.10.2021 | RO – Zalau | Rock’n Roll Centera
16.10.2021 | RO – Cluj | Zipp Ita
22.10.2021 | RO – Câmpina Club Livea
23.10.2021 | RO – Sibiu | Rock N’Bikea

“Genesis of Time” will be out on September 10th 2021 digitally, and as special limited-edition BoxSet, CD-digipak and double black orange splatter heavy weight 180g vinyl via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.!


The time has come!

The moment of the year has come, Scarlet Aura starts the presale for the upcoming album Genesis Of Time!
The release of the album is happening on 10 of September and in celebration to the presale start, the band releases a new video for the Utopia single.

Here you have the presale link


In addition to these news, because of the measures against Covid-19 restrictions but also because of the Primal Fear cancellation tour, Scarlet Aura is revealing new updates of The Genesis Of Time release album tour 2021 and here are the new shows:

15.9.2021 | RO – Bucharest | Quantic
17.9.2021 | RO – Suceava | Art Rock Cafe
18.9.2021 | RO – Iasi | Rocknrolla
01.10.2021 | BG – Ruse | Max Club
02.10.2021 | BG – Plovdiv | Polinero
08.10.2021 | RO – Baicoi | Touche Bar
09.10.2021 | RO – Constanta| Rock Halle
23.10.2021 | RO – Sibiu | Rock N’Bike

With deep regrets, to most of our foreign friends and fans to whom we will not be able to come this year with the release album tour that was scheduled, you are not alone!

We live hard times in which we do not know yet how the future will be for the live performances with the constant threat over our health and finances but Scarlet Aura is here to STAY! We are here to shine and we’ll do anything in our power to come to your town and play, bring to you the Scarlet Aura world, music and story! So what we ask of you is to enjoy our music, stay Scarlet, be patient and if United we stand, we’ll get through it and we’ll see each other soon!

We love you all!


“Scarlet Aura presents the next single "Frostbite" from the upcoming "Genesis Of Time" album

Frostbite, meaning the death touch, is one of the most powerful and crushingly singles from the upcoming album "Genesis Of Time" ought to be released on 10th of September. This song hits you from within, like an earthquake, getting deeper into your conscience because of the strong heavy power metal but also because of it’s nightmarish subject - the death touch, that moment we all think of, the ultimate goodbye to the world as we know it and the entering into a new one, an unknown universe, a Genesis. Frostbite is a sweet reminder that no matter how rich or how poor one is, death is unforgivable and with this said at least we should fight for what we believe in, while moving towards to the inevitable, almost like an anthem of the last living soldiers on the edge of a hellish battle. Live, fight for what you believe in and, when time comes, smile in front of the frostbite knowing you honored your calling.

The single is available on all streaming platform from today, 13th August:


The first four singles – Raw Power, In The Line of Fire, The Black Roses and Utopia – are available digitally here:
Listen to Utopia
Listen to The Black Roses
Listen to In The Line of Fire
Listen to Raw Power

“Genesis of Time” will be out on September 10th 2021 digitally, and as special limited-edition CD-digipak and double black orange splatter heavy weight 180g vinyl via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.

SCARLET AURA – The Book of Scarlet Tour TBA.


Once a Scarlet, always a Scarlet!


There’s no secrecy behind the hard times artists and small businesses are going through because of the pandemic situation and unfortunately it was not an exception in the Scarlet Aura band. Sorin Ristea, the drummer of the Romanian heavy metal group had to leave the band in order to put his entire focus and efforts on working for his business and therefore the drummer seat was left vacant. Luckily, as it was proved before, Once a Scarlet, always a Scarlet is what Matthias Klaus said while getting his drummer crown back in the band. Matthias played with Scarlet Aura in 2016 and joined the band on tour with Tarja Turunen. He left due to personal reasons and declares: “I left the band because of personal issues that I had to deal with but I am now stronger than ever and more ready to be part of this amazing band that I deeply love and respect and with whom I’m happy to say I am now a family. The songs are outstanding, I am happy to play them and honestly it feels like I have never left”.

The band stated: “Sorin will always be a Scarlet and he will always be a part of us, we cherish every day that we worked together and wish him the best. We separated in very good conuditions because we are brothers in metal. Destiny has its own way of dealing with healing wounds and so Matthias has this opportunity now to take care of his own. We are Scarlets United, we believe in each one of us and we are here to stay and we are here to play heavy metal! Stay Scarlet, love you all!”

Shortly after releasing the 4th single - Utopia – from the upcoming album - The Genesis of Time – that is going to be out on 10 of September, the band had to deal with this situation and postponed the release of a new video for the latest single. The new date of the video release is 30 of July so Subscribe to the band’s YouTube page, follow the band on Instagram, like on the Facebook, follow on Spotify – to be connected for the new video and music and join the newsletter for Sunday metal goodies on your email address – http://scarletaura.com.

The first three singles – Raw Power, In The Line of Fire and The Black Roses – are available digitally here:
Listen to The Black Roses
Listen to In The Line of Fire
Listen to Raw Power

SCARLET AURA – The Book of Scarlet Tour (tba more):

26.05.1021 | RO – Bucharest | Pertum TV - special live streaming event
04.06.2021 | BG – Pleven | Japara Mega Rock Festival
12.06.2021 | BG – Kazanlak | The Black Roses MC Fest

Support: tba

09.9.2021 | BE – Gent | Crossover
10.9.2021 | NL – Weert | Bosul
11.9.2021 | NL – Hoofddorp | Duycker
12.9.2021 | BE – Antwerp| Kavka Oudaan

w/ Primal Fear & Burning Witches:

14.9.2021 | DE – Aschaffenburg | ColosSaal
15.9.2021 | DE – Berlin | Hole 44
16.9.2021 | DE – Nürnberg | Hirsch
17.9.2021 | DE – Leipzig | Hellraiser
18.9.2021 | CZ – Zlin | Masters of Rock Cafe
20.9.2021 | CZ – Prague | Meet Factory
22.9.2021 | BG – Sofia | Music Jam Club
24.9.2021 | SK – Zvolen | DK ZSR Culture House
25.9.2021 | SK – Bratislava | Majestic Music Club
26.9.2021 | AT – Salzburg | Rockhouse
27.9.2021 | HU – Budapest | Barba Negra
12.1.2022 | DE – München | Backstage
13.1.2022 | DE – Regensburg | Eventhalle Airport
14.1.2022 | DE – Stuttgart | LKA
15.1.2022 | DE – Memmingen | Kaminwerk
16.1.2022 | DE – Köln | Essigfabrik
18.1.2022 | DE – Bochum | Zeche
19.1.2022 | DE – Hamburg | Markthalle
20.1.2022 | NL – Amstelveen | P60
21.1.2022 | BE – Vosselaar | Biebob
22.1.2022 | DE – Fulda | Kreuz
23.1.2022 | DE – Saarbrücken | Garage
25.1.2022 | FR – Paris | La Machine do Moulin Rouge
28.1.2022 | IT – Bergamo | Druso
29.1.2022 | CH – Sion | Le Port Franc
30.1.2022 | CH – Pratteln | Z7
01.2.2022 | FR – Lyon | CCO
03.2.2022 | ES – Pamplona | Totem
04.2.2022 | ES – Madrid | Shoko
05.2.2022 | ES – Murcia | Gamma
06.2.2022 | ES – Barcelona | Salamandra


“Would you dare to create Utopia?”
Asks Scarlet Aura and presents the next single from the upcoming album and reveals the tracklist

“Let’s play a game: Reality is what we perceive as living now and the projection of our own thoughts, desires and hopes.
It can also easily be the projection of our fears, despair or loneliness.
We are what we think of us, we are everything in nothing and nothing in everything. Now imagine that you are the only one that knows it and controls it and that you can create other’s reality.
Would you dare to create Utopia?”
– asks heavy metallers Scarlet Aura presenting their next single “Utopia” from the upcoming album “Genesis of Time”.

This fast-paced song takes the listeners on a journey with a hard charging track juxtaposed with monster riffs and undeniable beautiful voice and vocal lines on today’s heavy metal!

The single is available on all streaming platform from today, 16th July:

and as a video on 23rd of July!

The first three singles – Raw Power, In The Line of Fire and The Black Roses – are available digitally here:
Listen to The Black Roses
Listen to In The Line of Fire
Listen to Raw Power

It’s also time to reveal the tracklist of “Genesis of Time” that is packed with over 70 mins of crushing heavy metal songs, from the instrumental “The Book of Scarlet” to the epic “Genesis of Time”:

1 The Book of Scarlet 06:31
2 Raw Power 04:48
3 Dark Lightning 05:14
4 Utopia 05:02
5 Frostbite 05:46
6 The Black Roses 06:13
7 Right Place, Wrong Time 05:47
8 Humans Obsolete 05:28
9 In The Line of Fire 05:46
10 Saints Need Sinners 06:20
11 Wings of Light 04:27
12 Genesis Of Time 09:06

“Genesis of Time” will be out on September 10th 2021 digitally, and as special limited-edition CD-digipak and double black orange splatter heavy weight 180g vinyl via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.

SCARLET AURA – The Book of Scarlet Tour (tba more):

26.05.1021 | RO – Bucharest | Pertum TV - special live streaming event
04.06.2021 | BG – Pleven | Japara Mega Rock Festival
12.06.2021 | BG – Kazanlak | The Black Roses MC Fest

Support: tba

09.9.2021 | BE – Gent | Crossover
10.9.2021 | NL – Weert | Bosul
11.9.2021 | NL – Hoofddorp | Duycker
12.9.2021 | BE – Antwerp| Kavka Oudaan

w/ Primal Fear & Burning Witches:

14.9.2021 | DE – Aschaffenburg | ColosSaal
15.9.2021 | DE – Berlin | Hole 44
16.9.2021 | DE – Nürnberg | Hirsch
17.9.2021 | DE – Leipzig | Hellraiser
18.9.2021 | CZ – Zlin | Masters of Rock Cafe
20.9.2021 | CZ – Prague | Meet Factory
22.9.2021 | BG – Sofia | Music Jam Club
24.9.2021 | SK – Zvolen | DK ZSR Culture House
25.9.2021 | SK – Bratislava | Majestic Music Club
26.9.2021 | AT – Salzburg | Rockhouse
27.9.2021 | HU – Budapest | Barba Negra
12.1.2022 | DE – München | Backstage
13.1.2022 | DE – Regensburg | Eventhalle Airport
14.1.2022 | DE – Stuttgart | LKA
15.1.2022 | DE – Memmingen | Kaminwerk
16.1.2022 | DE – Köln | Essigfabrik
18.1.2022 | DE – Bochum | Zeche
19.1.2022 | DE – Hamburg | Markthalle
20.1.2022 | NL – Amstelveen | P60
21.1.2022 | BE – Vosselaar | Biebob
22.1.2022 | DE – Fulda | Kreuz
23.1.2022 | DE – Saarbrücken | Garage
25.1.2022 | FR – Paris | La Machine do Moulin Rouge
28.1.2022 | IT – Bergamo | Druso
29.1.2022 | CH – Sion | Le Port Franc
30.1.2022 | CH – Pratteln | Z7
01.2.2022 | FR – Lyon | CCO
03.2.2022 | ES – Pamplona | Totem
04.2.2022 | ES – Madrid | Shoko
05.2.2022 | ES – Murcia | Gamma
06.2.2022 | ES – Barcelona | Salamandra


Scarlet Aura is going wild releasing "The Black Roses" – the 3rd single and the video from the upcoming album

Since winning in 2014th the “Black Sea Battle of the Bands” at the Kavarna Rock Fest in Bulgaria, Scarlet Aura has always had a very special connection with Bulgarian fans and country. Not surprisingly, the very first live performances after long time due to pandemic for Scarlet Aura are taking place there as well. The newest single “The Black Roses” from the upcoming “Genesis of Time” album pays special tribute to the ones who supported the band from its beginning, the metalheads bikers, especially The Black Roses MC Bulgaria through their Moto club President and the band’s Tour Manager but also a family member – Emil Lazarov as he recently became Sofia’s Godfather alongside Tatyana Shubina, the band’s manager partner. (Sofia is the 1 and half year old daughter of Mihai and Aura).

Scarlet Aura explains: "We wanted to give you a more better insight of this amazing feeling that the song reveals, a feeling of brotherhood, protection and power of being wild, of being yourself.
There have never been times more eager to bring people together in our lives than now because of this social gap that almost brought us all into our knees begging the Universe for the freedom we had just a year back. “The Black Roses” is the comeback to our passion, to our brothers and sisters, to our beloved family and more than ever – to our wild sides. This song was written in honor and especially for the brotherhood with The Black Roses MC Bulgaria from which we learned so much, especially to be United! \m/.“

With unhurried melody yet full of power chords, solid drums, husky and haunting voice of Aura Danciulescu, “The Black Roses” is also a nod and a tribute to the classical heavy metal from 80s.

The single is available here: http://scarletaura.lnk.to/TheBlackRoses

The Black Roses

The first two singles – Raw Power and In The Line of Fire – are available digitally here:
Listen to In The Line of Fire
Listen to Raw Power

“Genesis of Time” brings the perfect and balanced ending to “The Book of Scarlet” trilogy – 3 musical albums and 3 fantasy book volumes that are depicting the world of Scarlet for listeners and readers – part of which are predecessors “Hot’n’Heavy” and “Stormbreaker” albums. With 12 brand new songs and more than one hour of music, “Genesis of Time” is definitely going to be one of the brightest moments for heavy metal in 2021.

“Genesis of Time” will be out on September 10th 2021 digitally, limited edition CD-digipak and double black orange splatter heavy weight vinyl via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.

SCARLET AURA – The Book of Scarlet Tour (tba more):

26.05.1021 | RO – Bucharest | Pertum TV - special live streaming event
04.06.2021 | BG – Pleven | Japara Mega Rock Festival
12.06.2021 | BG – Kazanlak | The Black Roses MC Fest

Support: tba

09.9.2021 | BE – Gent | Crossover
10.9.2021 | NL – Weert | Bosul
11.9.2021 | NL – Hoofddorp | Duycker
12.9.2021 | BE – Antwerp| Kavka Oudaan

w/ Primal Fear & Burning Witches:

14.9.2021 | DE – Aschaffenburg | ColosSaal
15.9.2021 | DE – Berlin | Hole 44
16.9.2021 | DE – Nürnberg | Hirsch
17.9.2021 | DE – Leipzig | Hellraiser
18.9.2021 | CZ – Zlin | Masters of Rock Cafe
20.9.2021 | CZ – Prague | Meet Factory
22.9.2021 | BG – Sofia | Music Jam Club
24.9.2021 | SK – Zvolen | DK ZSR Culture House
25.9.2021 | SK – Bratislava | Majestic Music Club
26.9.2021 | AT – Salzburg | Rockhouse
27.9.2021 | HU – Budapest | Barba Negra
12.1.2022 | DE – München | Backstage
13.1.2022 | DE – Regensburg | Eventhalle Airport
14.1.2022 | DE – Stuttgart | LKA
15.1.2022 | DE – Memmingen | Kaminwerk
16.1.2022 | DE – Köln | Essigfabrik
18.1.2022 | DE – Bochum | Zeche
19.1.2022 | DE – Hamburg | Markthalle
20.1.2022 | NL – Amstelveen | P60
21.1.2022 | BE – Vosselaar | Biebob
22.1.2022 | DE – Fulda | Kreuz
23.1.2022 | DE – Saarbrücken | Garage
25.1.2022 | FR – Paris | La Machine do Moulin Rouge
28.1.2022 | IT – Bergamo | Druso
29.1.2022 | CH – Sion | Le Port Franc
30.1.2022 | CH – Pratteln | Z7
01.2.2022 | FR – Lyon | CCO
03.2.2022 | ES – Pamplona | Totem
04.2.2022 | ES – Madrid | Shoko
05.2.2022 | ES – Murcia | Gamma
06.2.2022 | ES – Barcelona | Salamandra


Scarlet Aura unveils first video and new single “In the Line of Fire” from the upcoming album!

Prepare for an outstanding power metal attack from Scarlet Aura with their newest single – “In The Line of Fire!”.

Taken from the upcoming album of “The Book of Scarlet” trilogy – “Genesis of Time”, this masterpiece takes off at full speed becoming easily a heroic power metal anthem! With a catchy chorus that will imprint in your mind with its meaningful lyricisms, melodic and fearless vocals, thunderous riffs and pummeling kick drum, “In The Line Of Fire” sets you right into the heart of the events, making you the hero of “The Book Of Scarlet”!

Scarlet Aura shares: “We wanted to write a song that is a powerful encouragement and a message to anyone to not lose hope and keep fighting one’s own battles no matter what. We were broken but that only made us stronger, we were laughed at but we always showed up better, we jumped and fell but had the power to not only walk but to fly again higher and higher as any battle in and outside of yourself can be won if you stand up for what you believe in!“

Mixed, mastered and produced by Myke D at the Silver City Studio, “In the Line of Fire” marks also the new height in sound production – it will be the first release for Scarlet Aura specially mixed and mastered for Apple Digital Masters, delivering the studio quality recording to their listeners.

“Genesis of Time” brings the perfect and balanced ending to “The Book of Scarlet” trilogy – 3 musical albums and 3 fantasy book volumes that are depicting the world of Scarlet for listeners and readers – part of which are predecessors “Hot’n’Heavy” and “Stormbreaker” albums. With 12 brand new songs and more than one hour of music, “Genesis of Time” is definitely going to be one of the brightest moments for heavy metal in 2021.

“Genesis of Time” will be out on September 10th 2021 via Universal Music Romania and Silver City Records.

In The Line Of Fire

The single is available here: http://scarletaura.lnk.to/TheBlackRoses

The first single – Raw Power – is available digitally:
Listen to Raw Power

SCARLET AURA – The Book of Scarlet Tour (tba more):

26.05.1021 | RO – Bucharest | Pertum TV - special live streaming event
04.06.2021 | BG – Pleven | Japara Mega Rock Festival
12.06.2021 | BG – Kazanlak | The Black Roses MC Fest

Support: tba

09.9.2021 | BE – Gent | Crossover
10.9.2021 | NL – Weert | Bosul
11.9.2021 | NL – Hoofddorp | Duycker
12.9.2021 | BE – Antwerp| Kavka Oudaan

w/ Primal Fear & Burning Witches:

14.9.2021 | DE – Aschaffenburg | ColosSaal
15.9.2021 | DE – Berlin | Hole 44
16.9.2021 | DE – Nürnberg | Hirsch
17.9.2021 | DE – Leipzig | Hellraiser
18.9.2021 | CZ – Zlin | Masters of Rock Cafe
20.9.2021 | CZ – Prague | Meet Factory
22.9.2021 | BG – Sofia | Music Jam Club
24.9.2021 | SK – Zvolen | DK ZSR Culture House
25.9.2021 | SK – Bratislava | Majestic Music Club
26.9.2021 | AT – Salzburg | Rockhouse
27.9.2021 | HU – Budapest | Barba Negra
12.1.2022 | DE – München | Backstage
13.1.2022 | DE – Regensburg | Eventhalle Airport
14.1.2022 | DE – Stuttgart | LKA
15.1.2022 | DE – Memmingen | Kaminwerk
16.1.2022 | DE – Köln | Essigfabrik
18.1.2022 | DE – Bochum | Zeche
19.1.2022 | DE – Hamburg | Markthalle
20.1.2022 | NL – Amstelveen | P60
21.1.2022 | BE – Vosselaar | Biebob
22.1.2022 | DE – Fulda | Kreuz
23.1.2022 | DE – Saarbrücken | Garage
25.1.2022 | FR – Paris | La Machine do Moulin Rouge
28.1.2022 | IT – Bergamo | Druso
29.1.2022 | CH – Sion | Le Port Franc
30.1.2022 | CH – Pratteln | Z7
01.2.2022 | FR – Lyon | CCO
03.2.2022 | ES – Pamplona | Totem
04.2.2022 | ES – Madrid | Shoko
05.2.2022 | ES – Murcia | Gamma
06.2.2022 | ES – Barcelona | Salamandra


SCARLET AURA – Unveils New Single and Video “Silent Tears”

Scarlet Aura unveils undoubtedly the most extraordinary video and ultimately saddest ballad in band’s career. “Silent Tears” tells painfully heartbreaking, powerful and touching story, where the lead singer Aura Danciulescu is baring her soul.

Written shortly after a tragic event, “Silent Tears” is all about the loss of the loved ones... As Aura describes: “We could not endure such a great pain but maybe only outlive it and that can be possible with the help of music. There is nothing more painful than a heartbreak and there’s nothing more darker than death... By singing it we bring some light and hopefully, some faith too... Faith in love, faith in life.”

The video premiers today, 19th of March at 3pm CET:

Silent Tears (5th Anniversary / Remastered 2021)

The single is available here: http://scarletaura.lnk.to/SilentTears2021

The first two singles – Colour Blind and Shamanic Eye – are available digitally and as a video:
Listen to Shamanic Eye
Listen to Colour Blind

Shamanic Eye (5th Anniversary / Remastered 2021)

Colour Blind (5th Anniversary / Remastered 2021)

To mark this 5th year of amazing ups for the band, “Falling Sky – 5th Anniversary” will be released as a special edition digipak CD and digitally on 16th of April via Silver City Records & Universal Music Romania. This special edition brings re-recorded, re-mixed and remastered version produced by Mihai “Myke D” Danciulescu.

Scarlet Aura comes with this new audio version of the “Falling Sky – 5th Anniversary” album in between of other two releases - the “Stormbreaker” album (2020) and their 3rd and last album from "The Book of Scarlet" trilogy that is coming up next this Autumn supporting their tour with Primal Fear! The first part of the trilogy “Hot’n’Heavy” was released in 2019!


1.05.2021 | BG – Japara Mega Rock Festival

w/ Primal Fear & Burning Witches:

2021-09-14 Aschaffenburg (ColosSaal) DE
2021-09-15 Berlin (Hole 44) DE
2021-09-16 Nürnberg (Hirsch) DE
2021-09-17 Leipzig (Hellraiser) DE
2021-09-18 Zlin (Masters Of Rock Cafe) CZ
2021-09-20 Prague (Meet Factory) CZ
2021-09-22 Sofia (Music Jam Club) BG
2021-09-24 Zvolen (DK ZSR Culture House) SK
2021-09-25 Bratislava (Majestic Music Club) SK
2021-09-26 Salzburg (Rockhouse) AT
2021-09-27 Budapest (Barba Negra) HU
2022-01-12 München (Backstage) DE
2022-01-13 Regensburg (Eventhalle Airport) DE
2022-01-14 Stuttgart (LKA) DE
2022-01-15 Memmingen (Kaminwerk) DE
2022-01-16 Köln (Essigfabrik) DE
2022-01-18 Bochum (Zeche) DE
2022-01-19 Hamburg (Markthalle) DE
2022-01-20 Amstelveen (P60) NL
2022-01-21 Vosselaar (Biebob) BE
2022-01-22 Fulda (Kreuz) DE
2022-01-23 Saarbrücken (Garage) DE
2022-01-25 Paris (La Machine do Moulin Rouge) FR
2022-01-28 Bergamo (Druso) IT
2022-01-30 Pratteln (Z7) CH
2022-02-01 Lyon (CCO) FR
2022-02-03 Pamplona (Totem) ES
2022-02-04 Madrid (Shoko) ES
2022-02-05 Murcia (Gamma) ES
2022-02-06 Barcelona (Salamandra) ES

Release Date:
19 March 2021

Lead Vocals: Aura Danciulescu
Lead guitar & Vocals: Mihai Danciulescu
Bass guitar & Vocals: Rene Nistor
Drums: Sorin Ristea


SCARLET AURA – Announces 2nd Single from the Upcoming Album and Updated Tour Dates

Shamanic Eye is an incantation of the senses, a dispossession of own self, a luring invitation to open your inner eye, the one without flaws, the eye of truth and of the spiritual depictions. Believe and you shall see with your shamanic eye the unveiled truth that is to our immediate senses hidden and experience its magic!

Starting this year on a high note, Scarlet Aura continues to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Falling Sky the album that got them to the European stage and brought worldwide fans attention and announces the release of the second single – “Shamanic Eye”! The 5th Anniversary edition out on 16th of April via Universal Music Romania brings re-recorded, re-mixed and remastered version produced by Mihai “Myke D” Danciulescu.

The single is available for pre-order/pre-save here: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/ShamanicEye2021

The first single is available digitally and as a video: https://scarletaura.lnk.to/ColourBlind2021

Scarlet Aura comes with this new audio version of the Falling Sky album in between of other two releases - the Stormbreaker album (2020) and their 3rd and last album from "The Book of Scarlet" trilogy that is coming up next this Autumn supporting their tour with Primal Fear!

Scarlet Aura
w/ Primal Fear & Burning Witches:

2021-09-14 Aschaffenburg (ColosSaal) DE
2021-09-15 Berlin (Hole 44) DE
2021-09-16 Nürnberg (Hirsch) DE
2021-09-17 Leipzig (Hellraiser) DE
2021-09-18 Zlin (Masters Of Rock Cafe) CZ
2021-09-20 Prague (Meet Factory) CZ
2021-09-22 Sofia (Music Jam Club) BG
2021-09-24 Zvolen (DK ZSR Culture House) SK
2021-09-25 Bratislava (Majestic Music Club) SK
2021-09-26 Salzburg (Rockhouse) AT
2021-09-27 Budapest (Barba Negra) HU
2022-01-12 München (Backstage) DE
2022-01-13 Regensburg (Eventhalle Airport) DE
2022-01-14 Stuttgart (LKA) DE
2022-01-15 Memmingen (Kaminwerk) DE
2022-01-16 Köln (Essigfabrik) DE
2022-01-18 Bochum (Zeche) DE
2022-01-19 Hamburg (Markthalle) DE
2022-01-20 Amstelveen (P60) NL
2022-01-21 Vosselaar (Biebob) BE
2022-01-22 Fulda (Kreuz) DE
2022-01-23 Saarbrücken (Garage) DE
2022-01-25 Paris (La Machine do Moulin Rouge) FR
2022-01-28 Bergamo (Druso) IT
2022-01-30 Pratteln (Z7) CH
2022-02-01 Lyon (CCO) FR
2022-02-03 Pamplona (Totem) ES
2022-02-04 Madrid (Shoko) ES
2022-02-05 Murcia (Gamma) ES
2022-02-06 Barcelona (Salamandra) ES

Release Date:
19 February 2021

Lead Vocals: Aura Danciulescu
Lead guitar & Vocals: Mihai Danciulescu
Bass guitar & Vocals: Rene Nistor
Drums: Sorin Ristea